This is an archival collection of scanned family photos. The photos come from many sources and I am always looking to add more. Please contact me if you have related photos to share! I will handle all scanning and will cover any shipping costs.

The photos are scanned at high quality in TIFF format using an Epson Perfection 4490 flatbed scanner. They are post-processed using the Gimp open source image editing software. Most images are simply cropped to their content and White Balanced. Some of the more interesting images have had more extensive restoration efforts applied. Some photos with text on the reverse have this text scanned and appended to them. The TIFF files are then saved as high-quality JPG files for posting on this site. The original TIFF files are archived separately, due to their size. I'll gladly provide them to anyone interested upon request.

A small legal note: The scans presented here are Copyright (C) Audin Malmin. I don't claim copyright on the content of the images themselves. They remain under the ownership of the photographer or descendants thereof. I only claim the scans in order to preserve the historical integrity of the content. The scans are available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means you can use the scans for any purpose so long as you provide a proper attribution and allow your derivative work to be used in a like manner. In this way the images remain free and open for all to use.

The archive contains photos of at least the following families:

Primary photo sources are:

Three indexes are available:

The Album Index

The Tag Index

The General Index

Audin Malmin
728 N 96th St
Seattle, WA 98103