originally shared this to Friesen/Correia Family Tree
Mary Henrietta (Bomsta) Quist, born July 1841, Bjalsfjord, Troms, Norway. Died Grafton, ND, July 27, 1906.
Grafton News and Times
Friday, August 3, 1906
Death of Mrs. A. P. Quist
Mary H. Quist, beloved wife of A. P. Quist, died at her home in this city Friday, July 27th, 1906, aged 65 years. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the M. E. church.
Mrs. Quist was born in Norway, coming to this country when a young girl. In 1865 she was married to A. P. Quist. Eleven children, ten of whom are still living, blessed the union. In 1883 the Quists came to Grafton, where they have since resided.
Of the children, the sons are Andrew, Edward, John and Garfield; the daughters are Mrs. Malmin of Northwood; Mrs. Bennett, of Goss; Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Sturtevant of Detroit, Minn., and Mrs. O. Nelson and Miss Lillian of Grafton.
In the same issue…
Sam Malmin, who for years was an employee of the News and Times office, but is now located in Northwood, was in Grafton the first of the week with his family attending the funeral of Mrs. Malmin's mother, Mrs. A. P. Quist.
originally shared this to Friesen/Correia Family Tree
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