originally shared this to Knapp - Fenner Family Tree
John Damon was prominent in the affairs fo the town of Scituate and the church. In military affairs he held the position of Sergeant. In 1666 he was appointed to the command of the Scituate Militia under Miles Stnadish. He held this position until around 1669.
He was made the heir of William Gillson upon his death in 1649. William Gillson is mentioned as a "man of talents and learning", He was one of the first deacons of the church at Scituate, Deputy to the Colony Court from 1633-1638, and erected hte first windmill in the colony for grinding corn. He was a contractor and improved the navigable passage at Green's Harbor, near Governor Winslow's , in Rexham (now called Marshfield).
originally shared this to Knapp - Fenner Family Tree
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